- Dan / Wobé Initiation Beggar Mask, Cte d'Ivoire #138
- Wobé des Wé, Region of Man, Village of Koua.
- Vandenhoute distinguished two large groups of Masks: the Gebande and the Genome. Gebande is the most sacred examples of Dan Masks while Genome is a lower rank of Masks. The classifications relate to the content which the Dan attribute to the Mask, rather than the appearance of the Mask.
- Gebande Masks can be divided into a series of subgroups and categories:
- Subgroups:
- Singers’ Masks
- Dancers’ Masks
- Storytellers’ Masks
- Beggars’ Masks (their primaryuse is the collection of Offerings for Ancestors) - Categories:
- Gore or Ancestor Masks (the most Sacred of Masks)
- Gesuya or Avenger Masks (stands up to the Go Master and the Ancestors)
- Miniature Masks or Passport Masks (substitutes for Goge or Gesuya masks)
- Zakpai or Sagbwe Masks (Runners’ Mask or Fire Watchers’ Mask) Materials: forest wood with a decoration of cotton fabric, inlaid with cowry shells and bells in bronze.
Condition: internal shiny patina of wear presenting a few antiquity cracks.Without break or restoration.
Measurements: 34×22×12 cm
Custom Base included.
- Excellent example of a far older fine mask receiving new (at that time period 1960's attachments and Dance-ready freshening of attachments; please notice the canvas chin attachement).
- Provenance: Collected In Situ during the 1960s, transmitted by Family Descent, thenpurchased bt the Farafi Gallery.
- Pieter JanVandenhoutein 1938/1939. P. J.Vandenhoutewas a pioneer in the investigation ofDanand We (Guéré)arton the Ivory Coast in the 1930s. He is the author of 'Classification stylistique du masqueDanet Guéré de la Cote d'Ivoire occidentale', 1948.